How is Osteopathy different to other forms of healthcare?

Osteopathy vs. physiotherapy vs. chiropractic… who wins?

Many people ask about what an osteopath does, how is it different to physiotherapy and/or chiropractic care…
and so many people can’t give a proper answer!

The overly simplified answer is:

  • Physiotherapists focus on rehabilitation through exercises and modalities, addressing specific injuries or conditions.

  • Chiropractors primarily adjust (‘Crack’) the spine to enhance nervous system function, often focusing on musculoskeletal issues.

  • Osteopaths use manual techniques like massage and manipulations (similar to chiropractors), to restore overall body function, emphasising holistic health and treating the cause, not the symptom.

    While all aim for pain relief and improved function, the methods and philosophies differ not just amongst professions but even the professionals who deliver it, offering diverse options for patients seeking care.

So why is ‘Bison Osteo’ different?

Many osteopaths over rely on purely hands-on treatment to address pains and discomforts and forget that health and healing are multi-factorial and can be changed through multiple means simultaneously.

Here at Bison Osteo, we pride ourselves on being osteopaths that will:

  • Use manual hands-on techniques like massage, stretching, manipulations (‘cracking’) and occasionally dry-needling to achieve short term improvements in pain and mobility.

  • employ multiple forms of exercise rehab to assist in improving the long term strength, mobility and function of the musculoskeletal system.

  • Communicate openly, truthfully and empathetically about options for your recovery and put your health and well-being above personal profit or gain.

  • passionately listen and formulate strategies to assist you in best achieving your personal goals.